Hand: psi, Exeter 3500

Exeter 3500

EXON Project

This hand may be recognised by the tail of g; the approach stroke in e; the use of high s; shape of A; the shape of V.

1. Letterforms

a.-Pointed form. Back may occasionally rise above the bowl.

d.- Round form is favoured. It has an ascender rising at about 45º and with a finishing flick. Its size may be up to double minim height. Only one instance of straight d (63v14) which shows a wide triangular wedge on the top of the ascender.

e.- Broken back, even occasionally showing an approach stroke (63v13 Cruchę). Extended projecting tongue at word’s end.

g.- Round head with sloping projecting stroke which ligatures with following letter. Tail is open and ends on a downward flick.

h.- Triangular wedge at top of ascender (approach stroke). Left leg stands on the baseline whereas right one tucks in and often reaches below it.

p.- Only two instances (one minuscule, one majuscule). Closed bowl and straight descender with a tiny finishing flick back.

s.- Hood on the left, small head which is short and nearly horizontal. It reaches below the baseline. Frequent use of high s at word end.

t.- Curved shaft does not cut across the horizontal bar.

x.- N/A.

æ.- N/A.

2. Treatment of minims, ascenders & descenders

Minims .- Short approach stroke and diamond-like feet.

Ascenders.- Small triangular wedge made by a small approach stroke. They all tend to be about double minim height.

Descenders.- Only one minuscule p found and no instances of q, so very limited use of descenders, other than q. It seems this scribe favours straight descenders which may finish on a finishing flick back.

3. Form of capitals

A. Enlarged uncial form in which bowl does not reach above the headline (63v18 Atstanę).

F. Top stroke curled upwards (63v17 Fromę).

V. Looped right arm and short left arm (about minim height) with an approach stroke (63v15 Vueltetus).

4. Forms of punctuation

Punctus simplex seems to be only form of punctuation in use.

5. Form of paraph (gallows mark)

Two main forms in use:

- Sloping T-shape with an extra, shorter stroke closing right angle.

- Triangular form based on a straight T shape to which two extra strokes are added at either side of the shaft

6. Forms of abbreviation

Ampersand.- N/A.

et nota.- N/A.

Overline.- Wavy line.

-ur.- N/A.

-us.- N/A.

-orum.- N/A.

q- forms.- N/A.

e cauda.- Attenuated s-shape.

pr- forms.- N/A.

other forms.-.

est.- N/A.

7. Forms of suspension

8. Ligatures


-ct- ligature: N/A.

-rt- ligature: N/A.

-st- ligature: 63v18 Atstanę.

-or-: Only one instance found in an interlinear insertion by, arguably, the same scribe (\nort/ Peretus 63v13).

9. Method and form of annotation (signes de renvoi?)

Interlinear insertions (63v13), including a full entry with Gallows mark (63v19).

10. Method of correction and correction mark

Incorrect word crossed out and correct form written above (63v15). Subpunction (63v20).

11. Treatment of numerals


12. Proportions and measurements


- Pricking.-

- Ruling.-

13. Other idiosyncrasies (preferred spellings, usages, …)


What does he write?

Hundred List (So) – 63v13-21

Other relevant information

This hand seems to share a number of features with upsilon, however, I am not confident to assert that it is the same individual. The main differences are the tail of g, the head of s and the shape of V.

No Annotation associated to this record